
Donald Trump tweets 'Happy Birthday!' to random Lee Greenwood, not the country music star

It's a good day in America when the president doesn't do anything to endanger our lives, just humiliate us in front of our allies.

Well congratulations, America. Today is that day!

On Friday, President Trump congratulated country music singer Lee Greenwood on celebrating his birthday on Twitter. Trump, who it should be remembered has access to our nuclear codes, accidentally tagged the wrong Greenwood.

SEE ALSO:Sports teams are deserting Trump’s hotels, and it’s hitting his wallet hard

The American presidency is in its finest hour, y'all.

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Shortly after, Fox, which is not a propaganda network, compounded the mistake by wishing the exact same wrong Lee Greenwood "Happy Birthday."

LeeGreenwood83 last tweeted in July of this year. He has 378 followers and enjoys taking photos of anti-Trump protests he's recently attended.

The Greenwood Trump intended to tag can be found under the handle @TheLeeGreenwood. He has 25,000 followers. He also has a blue checkmark by his name.

Almost an hour later, Trump corrected himself by posting this tweet, without ever acknowledging the initial mistake because Trump.

Everyone please send your thoughts and prayers to LeeGreenwood83's mentions right now. He'll need them.

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